Offer is valid till the mentioned period only or till its disabled from the system.
After expiry of the offer no client will be eligible for that offer even if it’s found on the internet.
7 days money back guarantee is counted from the date of order.
Customer must request money back guarantee within 7 days’ time. No refund will be available after 7 days from the date of order.
Refund will be of same amount of 1 month's payment only. No customer is eligible for refund more than 1st month's payment.
There will be no refund after 7 days.
The payment has to be 100% in advance every month.
The service will be suspended immediately after due date if the invoice is due.
The offer can't be adjusted with any other service.
7 day's money back guarantee doesn’t include any delay mentioned here but not limited to
Delay in payment from client
Delay in providing required details to perform the task etc..
Delay in communication
Delay in providing required access of the server and other system.
Any issue occurred because of 3rd party.
Only new customers are eligible for the discount and money back guarantee based on available offer and for the 1st order only.
7 days money back guarantee is only applicable for the offer available but no other services. E.g. if you have purchased CPanel server management when there is an offer available. Later on if you buy any other service like chat support, the money back guarantee is applicable for CPanel server management only.
Refunds are available only for new customer for 1st order only.
Violation of any terms and condition will waive your rights to get the refund from all the services including the offer you have purchased.
Cancellation must be processed through our portal only. That is by login to your billing account. No cancellation is accepted by any means including but no limited to, by email, chat, phone, ticket etc...
Netedge Technology reserves rights to terminate the service at any point of time by giving notice via email or ticket.