Terms And Conditions

Subject to India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad jurisdiction only. The terms and conditions mentioned are applied to the
webste netedgetechnology.com. Client is responsible to provide required access of the server or any other details it enables us to provide the best service to our customers. Client is responsible to provide correct details and keep the information updated.

Netedge Technology is not responsible for any damages created from datacenter end or any other service provider's end. Client will not directly or indirectly during the agreement or for the life time after the agreement employ, contract or otherwise work in any manner with including without limitation work with any of the Employees or any person engaged with Netedge Technology.

Copyrights and Trademarks
(1) All information published on the site
are copyrighted materials of Netedge Technology .
(2) All images and graphics are also copyrighted in the name of Netedge Technology.
(3) Trademark(s)/Service mark(s), logos, designs are registered or in the process of registration in the name of Netedge Technology.
(4) You are recommended not to copy and/or publish, use, re-use, distribute, sell, etc. any of the information and details which are published on our site.
(5) For any usage with regard to our trademark(s) and/or Service mark(s), you are required to get a written consent from us mentioning the purpose, term
and usage of our marks by you.
(6) Any violation of the above mentioned terms and conditions shall constitute to be an Infringement under the relevant Acts in force in India for which you shall solely and/or jointly be liable along with such violator(s) together with all the costs and consequences which arise from the same which shall include Civil and/or Criminal remedies available for which the place of jurisdiction shall be at Ahmedabad.

Accounts are created on pre-pay bases. It is
client's responsibility to provide correct details at the time of registration and then keep the details updated. If in case client's payment is not received or held by the payment gateway like (PayPal). Or declined credit card or any other issue. The account of the client will be put on hold till the payment is not cleared. Netedge Technology will not be responsible for any problems comes up in terms of technical or any other during the period of account hold even if Netedge Technology is helping client to provide the service within this period. However, Netedge Technology reserve's rights if it wants to provide service or not during the period of account hold.

Client is agree to do the communication to appropriate departments. Client will need to make sure that confidentialities are not disclosed with the employees or any other person of the company. E.g. Billing query has to be created in billing department and technical query has to be created in support department. Client is committed not to deal directly out side of Netedge technology with any employee of Netedge Technology with in the time of appointment and for the life time after the time of employment of Netedge Technology's employees. Any dealing made by any of our clients and/or esteemed customers with any of our employees directly by bypassing the owner of the firm, the financial as well as technical implications resulting out of the damage caused in monetary terms and/or in the form of software failure shall be borne by the customer or client only for which the firm shall not hold itself responsible for the same. The word implications includes all kinds of Legal actions and the costs, expenses, damages, penalties, etc arising out of any order passed by the concerned authority. The client and/or customer thus holds the firm harmless for such misaction done by him with any of the employees of the firm and accepts the responsible for the same. Moreover, the firm shall be at all liberty as thought appropriate by it to initiate any kind of Civil and/or Criminal actions and/or remedies against such inappropriate action either against such client and/or customer or against any of its employees as and when such action is brought to its notice.
Client is bound not to disclose any communication or any other detials of Netedge Technology with 3rd party.
Client is bound not to disclose any any policy followed by Netedge Technology to 3rd party during and after the relaction with Netedge Technology.

Cancellation needs to be made by following
appropriate procedure. It can't be processed through chat, phone or any other Internet Messenger. Cancellation must be done with prior notice of 15 days for Server Management and other service. 30 days for Dedicated support/staffing service.
To know the cancellation procedure you can contact sales@netedgetechnology.com

While providing migration service. We may need to
connect another server which is not under our maintenance contract. Please make a note that Netedge Technology will not be responsible for anything of the server which we had to access by the request of client. It will be 100% client's responsibility of that server.

Client's responsibility
Client is agree not to modify anything on the server we manage without knowledge of our technical team. Client releases us for any kind of responsibility if the modifications are done by him/her or any team member of client.

Money Back
There is no money back guarantee provided for any other services and payment is nonrefundable in any circumstances.

3rd Party Responsibility
Netedge Technology does not allow to share access details of server,
softwares or any other confidential details with third party. Netedge Technology will not be responsible if such details are required to be shared by the purpose of law or any other ligal reuqirement.
We never suggest our clients
to use any pirated or illegal software. It will be client's responsibility if any pirated, illegal, non licensed softwares used on clients server. We are not concerned with any kind of licensing issues.

Offer Terms
Click HERE to see the terms of "20% off on CPanel Server Management".

Our services are 100% non refundable. Client will not receive refund in any case

Browsing this website means that you are agree with the terms of the website.